Top 10 Must-Watch Superpower K-Dramas: From Ordinary to Extraordinary

Superpower K-Dramas

Watching Superpower K-Dramas can be fun. Some shows are about people with special powers, like magic or super strength. We’ve made a list of the best 10 shows like these. They’re exciting and tell stories about regular people who suddenly get superpowers. These shows are full of adventures and show us how these characters deal with their new abilities. Come join us in watching these amazing stories that make ordinary life extraordinary.

Superpower K-Dramas

1. Scripting Your Destiny (2021)

In ‘Scripting Your Destiny,’ Shin Ho Yoon is a talented writer who works at a company that arranges people’s futures. He meets Ma Rin, a great chef, and their lives change when Ho Yoon accidentally changes what was supposed to happen to Ma Rin. They try to fight against the company’s strict plans for them and try to make their future. During their journey, they face many problems, learn about love, and deal with what happens when they try to change fate. They wonder if they can change what’s meant to happen or if fate is too strong to change.

  • No. of Seasons: 1
  • No. of Episodes: 10

2. Strong Girl Nam-soon (2023)

“Strong Girl Nam Soon” is about a strong and lively girl named Nam Soon. She has amazing strength, but she keeps it a secret. One day, she discovers a group that is looking for people with special powers like hers. Nam Soon meets Ji-hoon, a determined journalist, and together they try to find out more about this group. Nam Soon has to keep her powers hidden while Ji-hoon investigates. Their teamwork leads them on an exciting journey full of action, love, and bravery against those who want to use special powers for the wrong reasons.

  • No. of Seasons: 1
  • No. of Episodes: 16

3. The Cursed: Dead Man’s Pray (2021)

“The Cursed: Dead Man’s Prayer” is about a strong journalist named Im Jin-hee. She’s investigating a big company called the Han River Group because people think they’re doing bad things. Jin-hee finds out something scary: the company has a painting that can make terrible things happen when you make a wish on it. She teams up with So-jin, a young woman connected to this painting.

Together, they learn more about curses and bad behavior. Along the way, they find surprising truths and have to deal with really strong enemies. Their mission turns into a fight against evil powers, which tests how strong they are and what they believe when faced with dark magic.

  • No. of Seasons: 1
  • No. of Episodes: 12

4. Connect (2022)

In a strange world where living forever has a bad catch, there’s a guy named Ha Dong-Soo who can’t die and lives alone. One day, bad people take him and steal his eye. But this isn’t normal – now, he can see things through that eye and watch a very bad person doing terrible things. Because of this stolen eye, Dong-Soo gets tied to the bad person and has to find his eye to stop the bad things. He gets help from Iris, who studies people like him, and a detective named Oh Jung-Seok. They try to stop the bad person from hurting more.

While more and more people get hurt, Dong-Soo learns scary things about being immortal. He has to decide if he wants revenge or to do something good. He faces a big choice about who he is. Will he get his eye back and be himself, or let the darkness take over?

  • No. of Seasons: 1
  • No. of Episodes: 6

5. The Beauty Inside (2018)

“The Beauty Inside” (2018) is about a woman named Han Se-gye who turns into a different person every month for a week. She finds it hard to make close friends because of this. Then, she meets Seo Do-jae, who can’t recognize faces. Their lives become connected, and they face many unexpected things together. They learn about love, being true to themselves, and understanding others. This helps them realize that what’s inside matters more than what’s outside, and it’s important to accept who they are, even when society expects something else.

  • No. of Seasons: 1
  • No. of Episodes: 16

6. The Game: Towards Zero (2020)

“The Game: Towards Zero” is about Tae Pyeong, who can see just before someone dies. He works with Detective Joon Young to solve crimes by figuring out what happened before the victims passed away. Joon Young faces some murders connected to his past, and Tae Pyeong’s visions become important in finding the truth. As they try to make things right, they learn secrets about their lives that connect them to something that happened a long time ago. They go on an exciting journey that questions destiny and how time works.

  • No. of Seasons: 1
  • No. of Episodes: 32

7. Behind Your Touch (2023)

In the little town of Mujin, Eun-soo, who’s good at understanding feelings by touching, meets Jang-yeol, a detective with a fiery personality. At first, they don’t get along well, but they start working together when they solve some strange problems in their town. But things get serious when a scary person who keeps hurting others appears. More people get hurt, and Eun-soo’s special ability helps but also puts her in danger.

Will Eun-soo and Jang-yeol figure out who the bad person is before more bad things happen? Or will they end up in danger, too? “Behind Your Touch” is an exciting mix of crime, love, and special powers, all happening in a pretty countryside town where secrets hide.

  • No. of Seasons: 1
  • No. of Episodes: 16

8. See You in My 19th Life (2023)

For 18 times, Ban Ji-eum lived different lives with memories from before. Now, in her 19th life, she’s Ban Ji-eum again, a young and lively woman. She wants one thing: to find Moon-young, her lost love from before. Memories of their old love come and go in her mind. Ji-eum starts a journey to find Moon-young. But life right now is hard, especially when she meets Yoon-soo, who is quiet but nice. Ji-eum starts to like Yoon-soo unexpectedly. She’s torn between old love and new feelings.

Ji-eum has to face destiny, figure out why she keeps living different lives, and decide on a path that might finally let her move on from old loves. Will she meet Moon-young again this time, or start a new love story with Yoon-soo? “See You in My 19th Life” talks about love, living again, and being brave to leave the past behind. It’s a touching story about fate, memories, and getting another chance.

  • No. of Seasons: 1
  • No. of Episodes: 12

9. Mysterious Nurse (2018)

The show “Mysterious Nurse” is about a nurse named Lee Soo-ji. She works hard at a big hospital and keeps her amazing medical skills a secret. But when there are tough medical cases, she shows how good she is. A famous surgeon named Kang Min-woo notices her talent. As they get closer, we find out secrets about Soo-ji’s past. It turns out she used to be a top surgeon. The show talks about how Soo-ji deals with problems at work, and her past, and tries to make things right in her new life.

  • No. of Seasons: 1
  • No. of Episodes: 6

10. The Scholar Who Walks The Night (2015)

“In the Korean show ‘The Scholar Who Walks the Night’ from 2015, there’s a girl named Jo Yang-sun who pretends to be a boy to help her family. She meets an old vampire named Kim Sung-yeol who fights bad things happening in the country. Sung-yeol struggles with being immortal and needing blood to live. He and Yang-sun fall in love even though it’s not allowed. Their love faces challenges like politics, secrets, and people wanting power. They have to fight against supernatural dangers and secret plans to keep their love safe and protect the kingdom.

  • No. of Seasons: 1
  • No. of Episodes: 20

‘Top 10 Must-Watch Superpower K-Dramas: From Ordinary to Extraordinary,’ we’ve seen stories where normal people have special powers. These shows don’t just show amazing things, but they also talk about strong feelings and connections between people, which are more important than superpowers. From thrilling action to heartwarming stories, each show keeps people interested because it has both amazing powers and characters we can relate to.

As viewers, we’ve experienced fantasy worlds and cheered for main characters dealing with their extraordinary lives. These shows remind us that even with amazing powers, the best stories are about human feelings and experiences. If I missed any of your favorite K-Drama, Please let me know in the comments.

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