The 10 Best Action K-Dramas for Your Watchlist of All Time

Best Action K-Dramas

If you came to this post, most probably like Korean dramas, then this post is our special list of “The 10 Best Action K-Dramas Ever.” These shows are famous for their exciting stories, thrilling action scenes, and interesting characters. They are the most exciting and entertaining K-Dramas you can watch. They include spy missions, martial arts, and intense crime stories to keep you hooked. Whether you love K-Dramas already or are new to them, get ready for an amazing experience full of excitement and suspense with these best Action K-Dramas.

Best Action K-Dramas

1. Two Weeks (2013)

‘Two Weeks’ is an action thriller one of the Best Action K-Dramas in which, there’s a guy named Jang Tae-san who is a shy delivery man having a hard time in life. Suddenly, people wrongly say he’s a murderer. He finds out that his old girlfriend has died, and their daughter Soo-jin is in danger because of some bad people. Tae-san is sick and some others want to catch him for money.

So, he starts a two-week journey to prove he’s innocent and keep his daughter safe. On his way, he meets both friends and enemies and has to deal with a lot of suspenseful situations. He tries hard, sacrificing a lot because he loves his daughter so much. These two weeks are a big challenge for him, a race against time where he needs to be brave and strong.

  • No. of Seasons: 2
  • No. of Episodes: 16+15

2. My Country: The New Age (2019)

In ‘My Country: The New Age,’ the story happens during a time of big changes in Korea. It’s about three friends—Seo Hwi, Nam Seon-ho, and Han Hee-jae—who stick together through tough times. They believe in doing what’s right, even when things get hard. They face problems like betrayal and falling in love while trying to make things fair and settle personal problems. They have to choose between what they believe in and their friendships. The show has love stories, strong competition, and tricky politics. It shows how people stay strong when powerful people make life hard. It’s like a vivid painting of an important time in Korean history.

  • No. of Seasons: 1
  • No. of Episodes: 16

3. City Hunter (2011)

“City Hunter” is one of the Best Action K-Dramas and the story is about a guy named Lee Yoon-sung. He wants to get justice for what happened to his dad, who was betrayed and killed. He gets trained by a secret group and pretends to be a fun-loving person to hide his real mission. He meets Kim Na-na, who works as a tough bodyguard. While trying to uncover bad things in politics, Yoon-sung starts to like Na-na. But it’s hard for him because he’s torn between his feelings for her and his need for revenge. There are lots of exciting fights, love, and secrets revealed as Yoon-sung struggles with what’s right and wrong, learning some tough lessons along the way.

  • No. of Seasons: 1
  • No. of Episodes: 20

4. Terius Behind Me (2018)

“Terius Behind Me” is a Best Action K-Dramas from South Korea that came out in 2018. It’s about a woman named Go Ae-rin whose husband died suddenly. After his death, she gets mixed up in spying stuff. She meets her strange neighbor, Kim Bon, who is good at being a secret agent. Bon decides to help and protect Ae-rin and her kids while trying to figure out a bad group called KIS. While dealing with dangerous situations, they become closer and find out surprising things about their pasts. The show has lots of action, suspense, and nice moments about love and family. It keeps people interested and excited to know what happens next.

  • No. of Seasons: 1
  • No. of Episodes: 32

5. Ghost/Phantom (2012)

In the TV show ‘Ghost/Phantom’ from 2012, Kim Woo-Hyun, who is good at solving problems on computers, joins a team that looks into cybercrimes to find out what happened to his partner who died suspiciously. He uses the name ‘Hacker’ and works with a tough detective named Yoo Gang-Mi. Together, they try to catch a super smart hacker called ‘Hades’ who has committed a big cybercrime.

As Woo-Hyun looks deeper into the online world, he discovers shocking secrets that connect past sad events to the crimes happening now. He faces betrayals, and danger, and even falls in love while trying to figure out who Hades is. He’s in a race against time to uncover Hades’ true identity, dealing with lies and trying to make things right. But it’s hard because he’s also dealing with personal problems that make it tough to know what’s fair and what’s revenge.

  • No. of Seasons: 1
  • No. of Episodes: 20

6. Bad Guys (2014)

In the k drama Bad Guys from 2014, a smart detective named Oh Gu-tak gathers a group of bad people to help catch other criminals doing really bad things. He brings together a famous gangster, a person who’s good at killing for money, someone who’s good at killing many times, and a super smart computer person.

They make a team that’s not usual, using their different talents to catch really dangerous criminals who haven’t been caught by the police. While they do this, they face their problems from the past and learn to work together. They try to find the truth and make up for the bad things they’ve done while figuring out what’s right and wrong.

  • No. of Seasons: 1
  • No. of Episodes: 11

7. Vagabond (2019)

“Vagabond” is a k drama about a guy named Cha Dal-gun. He works as a stuntman. His life gets sad when a plane crash kills his nephew. Dal-gun thinks something fishy happened and it wasn’t just an accident. He starts looking into it and finds out about a lot of bad stuff like corruption and greed from big companies. He teams up with a spy named Go Hae-ri to find the truth.

They discover a big plan involving powerful people. They face danger and people who betray them. They learn shocking things and risk their lives to make sure the ones responsible for the crash get punished. In the middle of lots of action and strong feelings, they fight against powerful enemies to bring fairness and closure.

  • No. of Seasons: 1
  • No. of Episodes: 16

8. The Bridal Mask (2012)

“Bridal Mask” is about a Korean police officer named Lee Kang-to. He has to work for the mean Japanese rulers. At first, Kang-to likes the Japanese. But then, he meets a hero who wears a mask called Bridal Mask. Bridal Mask fights for Korea to be free. Kang-to starts to think differently as things get tense.

He starts to question if he’s doing the right thing. What many don’t know is that Bridal Mask is Kang-to’s brother, Kang-san. Kang-san fights for fairness in secret. This show talks about how hard it is to stay loyal, make sacrifices, and fight for freedom when politics are tough. Kang-to has to figure out what to do while dealing with his duty, family, and what he believes in. Audience review is this K drama is one of the Best Action K-Dramas.

  • No. of Seasons: 1
  • No. of Episodes: 28

9. Taxi Driver (2021)

“Taxi Driver” is about Kim Do-gi, a former soldier who wants to help people failed by the law. He joins a secret taxi company called Rainbow Taxi. They secretly help those who were treated unfairly by taking revenge for them. Do-gi works with a smart hacker named Ahn Go-eun and a careful taxi driver called Park Jin-eon. Together, they punish powerful and dishonest people in society. They find out about the victims’ stories and show how unfair things are. They plan carefully and face many problems and dangers while trying to help those who need it.

  • No. of Seasons: 2
  • No. of Episodes: 16+16+2 Special

10. My Name (2021)

In the Best Action K-Dramas ‘My Name,’ Jiwoo, a determined young woman, wants to get back at the people who killed her dad very badly. She secretly joins a group involved in selling drugs, pretending to be someone else, to find out what happened to her dad. Jiwoo meets Jeongmun, who is also pretending to be part of the group as a police officer.

She gets mixed up in a lot of dangerous situations and feels unsure about who to trust. Jiwoo is torn between getting revenge and doing what’s right. She faces lies and people turning against her while dealing with problems she didn’t expect. In the end, she learns that seeking revenge can have serious consequences and that making things right might cost a lot.

  • No. of Seasons: 1
  • No. of Episodes: 8

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